Monday, June 4, 2012

So yesterday I woke up in extreme pain and my mom convinced me to go to the hospital. Though they did not find the cause of my pain they did find out that I have a tilted cervix. What does this mean? Well apparently all it means is that my uterus is tilted towards the back of my abdomen. This is only found in about 20% of women and can cause symptoms such as pain during sex, lower back pains, and on rare occasions a problem with fertility.

I found all this out just moments ago since I wanted to know exactly what a tilted cervix was and the doctors did not explain. So now I know that the bulging discs in my back aren't the only cause for the pains I have had since I was young. There is also only really one way to permanently fix it is through surgery, which is not something I really want to do.

I bet you're wondering about the title about now huh? Well that would have to do with the fact this new found problem with me may cause troubles when I try to have kids some day. I have wanted to be a mother for some time now and it was hard on me when I was told my back problems would hinder that aspect of life as is. Now I have to worry about not even being able to get the chance. I feel like I'm not even female. I feel barren. I don't know if it's wrong of me to feel this way, but I can't help it. I guess I'm just tired of missing out on big events that should happen in every girl's life. I missed almost my whole senior year, almost didn't graduate with my friends, I just barely made prom without getting sick, god knows something when happen around my wedding date (when ever that will be0, and now the chances of my having a smooth pregnancy some day. It just feels like whatever god or dogs or whatever is out there likes to watch me squirm.

Anyways I'm still tired and in pain so I'm going to try to head to bed.

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