Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Difference

Have you ever wanted to make a difference any way you can? Or wanted to change something no matter what you lost in the process?

I don't think many people do now a days. And if they do they don't act on it. I've been doing a lot of reading lately, from Greek Mythology to James Patterson's Maximum ride, and in every story someone is doing something that changes everything. 

I know I can't talk to much cause I've not made a big dint in this world, but I know I have made a dint none the less. I also know that even though I knew that many wouldn't like my choices or opinions, including some in my family, I kept doing what I believed in because I wanted to make a difference. I also made a point to try and change something in someone else's life, make a difference to them so that they can turn around and make a difference in another's life.

I don't know why today's world has stopped doing things for the reason of just wanting to make things better for everyone else, but I wish it'd go back to the days of history. The days of standing up against the power and doing whatever it took no matter the cost.

I don't know maybe it's just me. Anyways I gotta go for now. See ya'll.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ain't it Sad

I don't know why but I felt like writing this.

I think its sad I've been out of normal school for almost three months now and only one of my friends from school have tried to get in contact with me. Thank god for Mike.

Now my friends Nicolette and Freddy gave me hugs and always say hi whenever I'm on school property (twice) and they see me. My friend Issac did once too since my prolonged absence.

But I do have many friends that know where I live and my phone number and none of them call, text, write, stop by, or anything. I feel like they really don't give two shits about me after all I've been through with them and all I've done for them. Now I'd understand if I left after pissing them off or if they didn't know any of my contact information, but still.

This fact actually made me cry many times in the past month, since I've been in the hospital and all. I posted I was in the hospital and no one asked why or came to see me. And even now, though I have talked to maybe three, it was because I was online and wrote them first. And they still didn't ask what was wrong or if I needed someone or anything.

I know I'm a teenager and friends come and go, but I didn't think they left all at once over something so stupid as me being sick out of school for a long time. It's not like I moved to another state.

Oh my friends Micheal and Nicole also talked to me on their own, when I ran into them.

God I'm sad now.